Hey new guy!
Welcome to the PDX RC Underground!! We are glad to have you here.
The first order of business, is that we are a race track and not a basher track. The carpet is expensive and we try hard to maintain and keep a clean track. Rips and tears can ruin the surface, so we do not allow Traxxas slashes on the pro track. Sorry for this, but it necessary to maintain the racing surface.
We know that this hobby can seem a bit overwhelming. I'm sure you are wondering if you are even good enough to race. The answer is yes!!
We all started off just like you. No need to be scared or nervous. We are here to help. Everyone at the track, will open their arms to help you. So come on in and say hi!!
Our largest class of vehicles, by far is the 2 wheel buggy like the Associated B6.4

There are many brands to choose from. The most popular being Associated, Yokomo, Losi, Schumacher, and X-Ray. All are fairly close in pricing, ranging from around $300 and up.
These are cars you build from a kit, and do not include the electronics.
Along with the car kit, you will need to buy electronics and radio system. Here is a list of what you will need:
Radio and receiver $200 and up
ESC (electronic speed control ) $100 and up
Motor $90 and up
Battery $60 and up
Servo $50 and up
Charger $75 and up
Transponder ( to count your laps with the computer) $90 and up
As you can see, it seems daunting. Their is an initial investment, but once you have the electrics, you can change your car chassis without new electrics.
There are also several other classes.
Stadium Truck

4 wheel drive buggy

Races are run for all classes. The way our races run on normal club race days are as follows.
You have 2 rounds of qualifications. These are 5 minute races with 6-7 other drivers. This seeds the main events by most laps and fastest time
After the qualification rounds are done, you are then put into a main event depending on how many laps you did in the 5 minutes.
All mains are heads up start, meaning you all go on the tone and race for your place.
Most club races last between 2-3 hours depending on how many racers show up. Race days also have open practice for a couple hours before.
I hope this helps ease some of the fears you might have about racing. If you have any questions, stop on by and just say hi!!