Loans of a couple of weeks or months are usually repaid in one amount at the end of the contract term. Longer loans and loans usually involve monthly payments
Throughout the entire period, the monthly payment does not change. At first, interest makes up a large part of it, but by the end of the loan term the proportion changes and most of the payment goes to repay the principal
Differentiated payments. The amount you need on the loan is the principal. It is divided into equal installments, which you will pay every month for the duration of the loan. But more interest will be added to the balance, because each month your principal decreases, the interest becomes less, and the payment decreases. If u wanna consulate - will need to pay the largest amount in the first month and the smallest amount in the last month.
Throughout the entire period, the monthly payment does not change. At first, interest makes up a large part of it, but by the end of the loan term the proportion changes and most of the payment goes to repay the principal
Differentiated payments. The amount you need on the loan is the principal. It is divided into equal installments, which you will pay every month for the duration of the loan. But more interest will be added to the balance, because each month your principal decreases, the interest becomes less, and the payment decreases. If u wanna consulate - You will need to pay the largest amount in the first month and the smallest amount in the last month.